

This study investigated whether finding a coin influenced a person's likelihood of mailing a sealed but addressed letter that appeared to have been accidentally left in a conspicuous place. Several variables were collected during the experiment, including two randomized variables of whether there was a coin to be found and whether the letter already had a stamp on it.


  • stamped - a factor with levels no yes

  • found_coin - a factor with levels coin no_coin

  • gender - a factor with levels female male

  • mailed_letter - a factor with levels no yes


The precise context was in a phone booth (this study is from the 1970s!), where a person who entered a phone booth would find a dime in the phone tray, which would be sufficient to pay for their phone call. There was also a letter next to the phone, which sometimes had a stamp on it.

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Levin PF, Isen AM. 1975. Studies on the Effect of Feeling Good on Helping. Sociometry 31(1), p141-147.

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